Chapter 3 of "Peyote Ugly," aptly named "Valhalla Awakening," takes place in the enchanting landscapes of Norway. This chapter is an artistic odyssey that brings together five artists, each hailing from different countries, including Holland, Norway, Poland, and Mexico. Their collective mission is to explore and celebrate the rich tapestry of global folklore and mythologies through art, with a specific focus on Norse mythology in this installment.
"Valhalla Awakening" is not just about creating stunning artwork; it's about educating and engaging the audience in a unique and compelling way. The artists accomplish this by crafting captivating fictional narratives that intricately weave them into the myths. These narratives introduce a playful, tongue-in-cheek element to the stories and make the folklore more accessible and relatable to the audience.
The project utilizes a wide range of artistic mediums, encompassing paintings, sculptures, animations, films, books, prints, and more. What sets this project apart is the collaborative spirit that underpins it. Each piece of art is a result of collective creativity, with the artists harmoniously blending their unique perspectives and skills. This cross-disciplinary approach not only enriches the project but also mirrors the diversity of the artists themselves.
One of the most distinctive features of "Valhalla Awakening" is the way the artists choose to share their art with the world. They embrace the digital realm by releasing a mix of NFTs alongside physical art pieces. This forward-thinking approach bridges the traditional and contemporary art worlds, making their creations accessible to a broader audience while also contributing to the evolving landscape of art ownership and appreciation.
Lastly, what sets the Peyote Ugly team apart from any other group in the digital art space is their mission to 1-bridge the world of digital and traditional art and 2-do it in a unique way through real-life collaborations that physically take place in the region where the mythology and folklore that informs the art originates. To learn more about Peyote Ugly, read our blog: Valhalla Awakens.
This digital art project seamlessly merges digital and physical artworks. Valhalla Awakening is laden with beautiful physical artworks. While the project utilized various physical mediums including sculptures, oil paintings, mixed media, books, prints, and photographs; collectors have the opportunity to win and obtain:
1. Five 1/1 physical paintings by five talented artists
2. A set of 16, A5, fine-art prints that are AR-enhanced powered by the Artivive App
Peyote Ugly is a result of a collaboration between five artists that takes place in different countries including: Poland, Holland, Mexico and Norway, and originated at Arthouse, in Tequisquiapan, Mexico. In a tale of humor and wits, the artists travel the world on an adventure, stumbling upon local folklore, religion and myths. With physical painting, sculpture, animation, video and books, Peyote Ugly is a cross disciplinary art project set to inspire the viewer to delve into history and culture around the world.
Peyote Ugly has become a longer arching narrative that includes, thus far, 3 chapters in its story line. Chapter 1: Aztec Awakening originating in Mexico and Chapter 2: Awakening of the Devil originating in The Netherlands have provided art and adventures that now lead into Chapter 3: Valhalla Awakening originating in Norway. You can count on this team to continue the narrative and the creation of beautiful artwork made utilizing traditional folkloric stories indigenous to each residency destination. For more details, visit our blog: Valhalla Awakening.
Makersplace is proud to have these talented, well-known and well-respected artists. The level of nuance and detail included in Valhalla Awakening can only be executed by this group, each of whom has expertise in multiple areas of art and together form an eclectic explosion of style, beauty and allure.
Collectors will receive:
-the digital artwork
-the AR-enhanced physical, oil paintings; and
-a set of the AR-enhanced, fine-art, A5 prints of the Valhalla Awakening story.